If You Share This Vision

If you share this vision of providing:

  • A safe, dynamic, welcoming community of learners who believe that self-directed education is the most authentic and innovative way to support young people so that they thrive and become productive adults
  • A bridge and a way to help teenagers live and learn outside the traditional school system through mentorship and by utilizing the wealth of opportunities in the community

If you would like to reach out to families who believe that school is doing more harm than good, to families who want to do homeschooling or unschooling but do not know where to start, to families who are already homeschooling but wish to be part of a community that meets regularly. . . .

If you would like to join a conversation with Ken Danford . . . .

If you would like to study the programs and centers that have been realized through the help of Liberated Learners . . . .


. . . . . send me a message at entirelyofpossibility@yahoo.com.ph

Perhaps we can set up something like one of these here in Manila:

North Star: Self-Directed Learning for Teens – Sunderland, MA

Bay State Learning Center – Dedham, MA

Beacon: Self-Directed Learning – New Haven, CT

BigFish Learning Community – Dover, NH

Compass: Centre for Self-Directed Learning – Ottawa, ON

Deep Root: Center for Self-Directed Learning – Canton, NY

Embark Center for Self-Directed Learning – Leesburg, VA

The Hive: Self-Directed Learning for Teens – Eugene, Oregon

Ingenuity Hub: Personalized Learning Collaborative – Leominster, MA

The Learning Cooperatives

LightHouse Personalized Education for Teens – Holyoke, MA

Open Doors: Center for Self-Directed Teens – Grand Rapids, MI


The Pitch

I taught in a University in China for two years, saw how stifling the effects of an education system could be and got scared for my kids who are 8 and 5 years old now.  The purpose of education is to liberate and certainly not the opposite which is to imprison.  I am happy to have found a progressive school in Manila where my kids can attend school which I think is okay in the younger years.

However, when they reach high school, I believe, they need more freedom to steer their lives.  That’s why I am attracted to setting up something like the North Star Self-Directed Learning for Teens — for my own sons and for other kids.  Of course, if my sons choose to go to school, I’d support them, but in case they don’t, there’s an option.

I have some nephews and nieces whom I feel would benefit from a place like North Star but I would not even dare open this topic to their parents even if they are my relatives because this idea is quite ridiculous, unfathomable and unacceptable for them.  However, I want to help those families who are more receptive to this venture.

I’ve visited North Star and others like it in America.  I didn’t think something like this would be possible here in the Philippines because people are too traditional and not as open minded.  But there are students out there begging and looking for this type of space and community.  We can offer them alternatives where they could thrive.

This is not for everyone and many families will not agree with this but there is a segment of the youth population who can benefit from the availability of this option.


Check out: https://abottala.com/

2 thoughts on “If You Share This Vision

  1. I think this is for me, as a mother of wonderful highschool kids who dont know what their purposes for learning are.

    I dont know how i can contribute, but i have a real urge to be a start/part of something positive for my country. I never just sit down…even in class. I design and build, im an architect.


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