Expanding to Embrace Audacious Dreams



How do we efficiently and effectively make extra income to fuel our boldest dreams and most audacious goals and still have time to live life the way we believe it should be lived?  

Is this a question you ask yourself?  If yes, read on.

Some people have achieved this but sacrificed time with their loved ones.  On the other hand, there are those who have managed to achieve this without sacrificing time with family.  They are able to find and make a system work for them so their time with family is not compromised.   That’s what I looked for – a business system that works without compromising time for family.

That’s why I’ve chosen to be a digital business owner.  I wanted change.  I wanted to do something different.  I wanted to work for myself and build a plan B so when I need it, it’s ready.

Some people think that if their paycheck is small, they shrink their dreams to the size of their paycheck. But there’s another way.  Why not look at the option of expanding the paycheck to be able to accommodate the dreams?  Bold and audacious dreams.  The boldest you can imagine.

How would an online business make this possible?

If you have a job or several jobs or even a brick-and-mortar business, your time is limited.  The challenge therefore, is how to leverage time.  If you have two hours that you can dedicate to diligently building an online business, you can make this online business work for you.  This is a way of investing in our future and in our children’s future.  For some people it’s a way to support their aging parents or to pay off debts. Often, these are not possible if you’re living paycheck to paycheck.

How do you start and run an online business?

First, you would need a product, service or some kind of offer.  You can partner with an existing company in an affiliate relationship.  Second, you would need a way for people to find out about the product or service that you are offering.  You need to sell those products or services.

This is where many people hesitate or cringe. They don’t want to sell.  A lot of people including me hate selling because we don’t want to bother people with a sales pitch or to appear too pushy.

However, with digital marketing and online advertising, selling could be a thing of the past because you let the online system find clients for you if you know how to use it. 

What is this online business I’m doing?

In our business community, people are usually up and running an online system within two to three weeks timeframe.   I didn’t have to design a website funnel from scratch because the system built one for me.  There are two LIVE webinars every week that people can sign up for and watch.  I didn’t have to do those webinars myself.  Those are included in the system and run like clockwork.  

The system is built so that all I have to do is market online so people find out what my offer is through a 90-minute online presentation.  The presentation lays it out for them without me having to lift a finger.

At the end of the webinar presentation, a $149 offer is made.  This is an opportunity for anyone who is interested to show how serious they are in considering this business.  The $149 opens up a 30-day period for the person to review all the systems, undertake due diligence and study if the business is what they want for themselves.  They get to see the products, how the money is made and meet other people in the business community.  At this stage, people can explore and investigate as much as they can so they can make an informed decision to do the business or not.  They also get to schedule a one- on-one call with a coach who can answer whatever questions they may have.

If they decide within 30 days that it is not for them, that is fine.  They simply get their money back.  If they decide to pursue the business after doing their due diligence, the next steps would be guided by the mentor. 

Many people fail in an online business because they don’t get enough support.  In our community, you are never alone.  Once you commit to this business, you get unlimited mentoring and coaching, weekly Master Minds plus all the tools you need to succeed.  The training includes how to advertise on various platforms like Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and the training website is constantly updated.

With online marketing, gone are the days when you have to pick up the phone, host parties and bug people to sell a product or make a presentation.  The automated system allows you to leverage your time.  Work online so you can live offline. 

When the person is ready to join the business, this is where I come in as a mentor who guides the person through the training process and to help the person set up the business in the most effective and efficient way possible.  The training builds up your muscles in social media marketing while helping you keep your mindset in tiptop shape.

Is this a scam?

There are many scams online.  We are all wary of that.  People have started this business either skeptical or they have a spouse who is extremely skeptical.   If this was a scam, none of us in this community would be proudly posting photos of our children and families.  Each business owner here is registered, and taxes are paid on all earnings made.  The spouses who were skeptical at the start totally turned around when they realized the legitimacy of this business and the results that spoke for itself.

Due diligence is very important in any business that you plan to start.   That is why the time you have studying the business system is valuable.  You have one month to research and see if this is something that you could commit time, effort and resources to.

To join the free webinar, enter your name and email address here:


If it resonates with you, reach out to me through my Facebook page:


To recap, here are the steps if you’d like to consider this online business:

  1. Sign up with your name and email address here: joeivillarama.com
  2. Check your email and watch the webinar by clicking on the link sent
  3. Consider if you want to pay the refundable $149 to further study and explore if this business is for you

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