Purpose and Mission Filled

Do you have a burning passion or advocacy? Do you dream of making a difference in the world but you barely have the resources to pursue your vision because you still have to take care of your family’s needs first? What if I tell you that there is a viable, sustainable and legitimate online business that is not only able to support your family but could also be the means by which your bigger mission could be accomplished? What if you could harness this proven digital venture for social good? The possibilities are limitless.

People have used this tried and tested system to pay off their debts, pay their mortgage, buy their dream home, quit a job or jobs they didn’t like, travel extensively, live life on their own terms and give back to the people they love. What if, aside from serving your loved ones, you’d like to make a greater and lasting social impact? What if you believe you are called to a purpose beyond satisfying your personal and family’s needs?

I’m Joei Villarama, mom of two boys ages 11 and 8.  In 2018, I started an alternative to mainstream school called “Abot Tala” which means Reach the Stars.  It offers teens the freedom to direct their education path with the help and guidance of mentors.  There are families who feel that this personalized and self-directed learning is what they have been searching for, and we’re happy to make this option possible for them.

In late 2019, I experienced the blow of losing my job.  Not only did I have to continue supporting my family but also the program that I started.   I had to look for options – fast.  Somehow, the universe conspired and around the same time that shock wave of job loss came, I saw a post by a friend and clicked on it, studied what she was doing and signed up.  It was just me looking for a stop-gap solution, but I never imagined that what I signed up for was far more than I expected. 

It changed my life, tremendously improving my mindset. It gave me hope that I could support not only my family but my advocacy. Best of all, it opened up a world of friendships and unlimited mentorship for which I will always be grateful.  I have seen how it has transformed lives, re-united families, inspired thousands and paved the way for dreams to be realized.

The global internet population can only continue growing.  People who are switching to the online space are reaping the benefits of their decision.  Some have tried other online opportunities that didn’t work out for them, but they persisted until they found a good fit.  

One of the biggest reasons people don’t succeed with their digital business is because they try to do it alone, which means they get stuck, confused or have no one to turn to for answers.  That’s why I’m so grateful to be part of an amazing community of business owners who support each other along the journey.

We provide training, coaching, weekly masterminds and constant community support.   You can work wherever you want at your own pace as you learn how to leverage the power of the internet, reaching people worldwide.  There’s no need to stock up on inventory. All business owners are registered and pay taxes, so this is definitely 100% legitimate.  Integrity is at the cornerstone of this venture, and you will know more about this in practice, not just in theory, as you immerse yourself in the business.

Twice a week, we have a free LIVE webinar where people from around the globe share their journey of struggles and successes in this venture.   

Get to know us more and what we do by signing up for a free information workshop here: 


Watch the webinar and if resonates with you, don’t hesitate to reach out to me.  Message me on my Facebook page:



Check out the many reasons for starting an online business. Check out how truly global this business is!

Casa of Our Heart and Art


This is the red brick home of our heart, of art and music. During our university days decades ago, my schoolmates and I went here, slept, dreamt and held an exhibit connecting architecture and music.  My sister, Mariel the pianist has held concerts here.  I’ve brought many friends on a pilgrimage to see the ever evolving spaces from which Coke Bolipata never ceases to coax surprises.  I’ve seen the entrance, cafe, kitchen, bedrooms and galleries morph from one spot to another, change form and function.  The tower sprouted a balcony and glass blocks replaced wood.  The bed and breakfast part now has a more generous social and living area, perfect for hanging out and staring into gorgeous green views.   The landscape gained and lost ponds, outdoor theater, sunken garden, trellis and swings.  Through it all, musicians and artists thrived in this amazing gift of a community arts center. 

Casa San Miguel was also one of the venues of our Hero’s Camp English immersion program for kids coming from mainland China.  We did this for four years before COVID struck. We were blessed that we had a great run with several shadow play performances in Casa San Miguel’s theater.   This mango orchard was also where I nursed a broken heart one new year’s eve an eon ago.  

It’s our favorite gateway to Capones island where a Spanish lighthouse has captured our imagination especially Edmund who still dreams of putting up a boutique bed and breakfast there.   Edmund hasn’t been to Casa San Miguel in more than 15 years so he missed all the transformations in between.  But there will be more because Coke never runs out of ideas.  


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